ALT publications

    Author - G. KRISHNA MURTHY

    Code - 8183950930

    Binding - Hard Bound

    Page No - 1394

    Edition - 2013

    Price - INR 1260.00 1000.00

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Everybody in the legal world knows that there are many number of Text Books, Voluminous commentaries and case law written by great legal luminaries and legal experts on Law of Evidence. The reason for choosing to write the book on “LAW RELATING TO PRESUMPTIONS AND PROOF OF DOCUMENTS” is that there are very few books on this subject, under the Indian Evidence Act, 1872. This branch of law, is, the spinal cord of litigation civil and criminal. For a case to stand or fall before the Temple of Justice depends upon production of evidence, both oral and documentary, and the proof of documents. The Law of Evidence plays a vital role in dispensation of justice and helps the courts to arrive at the best and right conclusion. In order to help the aggrieved by bringing out the truth and rendering justice to the deserving client of the learned counsel and the aggrieved parties before the Honourable Judge, one must be well equipped with the Law of Evidence, particularly in relation to Proof of Documents. No substantive law can be enforced without the help of the rules of the law of procedure and the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, in particular. The rules regarding Presumptions and Proof of Documents, while administering justice, during the course of trial are of high importance, the purpose of which is the ascertainment of truth. While dealing with the Law of Presumptions and Proof of Documents under the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, Chapter V which deals with documentary evidence, proof of contents of documents, primary and secondary evidence, public and private documents (Sections 61-78), presumptions as to documents (Sections 79-90) and Chapter VI which deals with exclusion of oral by documentary evidence (Sections 91-100) and Chapter VII (Secs.101 to 114-A dealing with presumptions) have been taken as the basis for writing this book. Questioned documents under Forensic Science and value of Expert Opinion evidence are dealt with in separate chapters. Regarding the Law relating Proof of Documents relating to the other allied Acts viz., Transfer of Property Act, Mohammadan Law, Indian Succession Act, Negotiable Instruments Act, Indian Stamp Act, Registration Act, Indian Contract Act, Limitation Act, Code of Criminal Procedure, Information and Technology Act etc., the relevant Sections in the respective Acts have been dealt with. The case law updated, including the latest pronouncements of judgments of the Supreme Court, A.P. High Court and Other High Courts, given wherever necessary, takes the reader through the language and purport of the sections easily enabling him to understand the subject thoroughly. One unique feature of this book is that wherever case law is given under the sections, the author did not keep himself satisfied by giving the citation numbers, leaving the reader to search for the reported judgments. On the other hand, the author tried to present the law propounded in the judgments reported, by endeavouring to present the same either in the shape of head notes or by reproducing the important held-paras of judgments wherever necessary and possible, for ready reference and convenience of the reader. For clarity of thought and clearness in expression the language used is simple and the synopsis for every section is carefully prepared for the purpose of highlighting the intent, interpretation, principle, scope, ambit and applicability of each section. Table of cases is given alphabetically up-dated. Synopsis-cum-Subject Index also given alphabetacaly for easy reference. The author is cautious enough to bear in mind that this book should be of immense use not only to the Bench and the Bar but, it should be useful also to the student world. The author expresses his grateful thanks to the learned authors and publishers of various text books and commentaries which the author had to refer while writing the book. Thanks to Pt. Ashok Kshyap, Examiner of Questioned Documents, for having contributed the relevant material. While writing this book some mistakes might have crept in inadvertently which, it is requested, may be excused. Any valuable suggestions for the improvement of this book are invited so that such suggestions can be carried out while bringing out the next edition. The fact which should not be forgotten to be mentioned in this context is that Shri Manohar Gogia who is the Associate Editor, Andhra Law Times deserves all the praise for his co-ordination and co-operation in giving his valuable suggestions and views. He did the commendable task of editing the work and in compilation of the book in order to bring out the book in good shape. He has placed all the material including various reference books, Law Journals and Legal Digests before the author for the purpose. But for his assistance this book would not have taken such a good shape. Thanks to the Publishers Sri L.D. Gogia and Sons, Ajay Gogia and Neeraj Gogia for publishing the book in a record time and in such a nice fashion. It is hoped that this book will be of immense help and assistance to the legal fraternity in their day to day dealing with the subject. If at all this book is well received by the learned readers and the litigant public, the author shares the credit and happiness with the team of his respectable friends, as aforesaid who worked hard for the successful compilation and completion of this book. After all, nothing can be accomplished in life without the blessings and grace of the Almighty.

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